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Iran Sets Conditions For Europe To Save Nuclear Deal

Tehran (May 24, 2018): Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei set out a series of conditions on Wednesday for European powers if they want Tehran to stay in a nuclear deal after the U. S. exit, including steps by European banks to safeguard trade with Tehran and guaranteeing Iranian oil sales.

“European banks should safeguard trade with the Islamic Republic. We do not want to start a fight with these three countries (France, Germany and Britain) but we don´t trust them either”, saidAyatollah Ali Khamenei.

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Khamenei also said European powers must promise they would not seek new negotiations on Iran´s ballistic missile programme and regional Middle East activities, adding:”Europe should fully guarantee Iran’s oil sales. In case Americans can damage our oil sales. . . , Europeans should make up for that and buy Iranian oil.”Khamenei said that over the past two years the United States “has repeatedly violated” the nuclear deal but the Europeans had remained silent. He asked Europe to “make up for that silence and to “stand up against the US sanctions. Khamenei accused the United States of violating UN Security Council Resolution 2231 that underpins the nuclear agreement with Iran, and asked Europe to secure a resolution against the US violation.

He warned that if the Europeans did not meet these demands, Iran would resume its enrichment of uranium, halted under the deal to minimise the risk of Tehran developing the means to build nuclear weapons.

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