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Iran, World Powers Meet To Save Nuclear Deal

Vienna (July 06, 2018): Iran wants world powers to present measures guaranteeing oil revenue and investment into the country despite U.S. sanctions when ministers meet on Friday to save the 2015 nuclear deal.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned his French and German counterparts that they must try harder to meet Iran’s demands for the nuclear deal to stay.Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that European offers to Iran so far to make up for the economic damage inflicted on the country by the US withdrawal from the deal in May is insufficient. He also termed the ‘European proposal’ as disappointing and lacking any specifics.

According to international news agency, Rouhani also stated that unfortunately, the package lacked a clear and practical plan or certain methods for continuation of cooperation. It set forth a series of general obligations just like those contained in previous EU statements.European countries, as well as Russia and China, have all reiterated their commitment to the nuclear deal, condemning the unilateral withdrawal by the US and vowing to prevent the agreement from crumbling.

In its turn, Iran has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the world’s most important checkpoint for oil shipments, if the US follows through on its threat to smother Iran’s oil trade.

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