Abb Takk News

Iraq: Suicide blasts in Tikrit, Samarra, 21 killed

IRAQ: Suicide attackers driving vehicles including an ambulance killed at least 21 and injured dozens of others in Tikrit and Samarra cities this morning.

According to details a suicide bomber driving explosives-packed ambulance detonated the vehicle at a checkpoint and a car park.

A bomber detonated his explosives-laden ambulance at the southern entrance of Tikrit during the morning rush hour. Thirteen people were killed in the blast.

Another suicide bomber detonated a vehicle in a car park for pilgrims visiting one of Shi’ite Islam’s holiest shrines, Al-Askari mosque in Samarra which is located south of Tikrit. At least eight people were killed in the blast.

The suicide attacks have come in the wake of Iraqi forces marching on Daesh stronghold of Mosul and the fighting that is underway there for the control of the city.