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Ireland, New Zealand oppose Indian nuclear group membership

Ireland and New Zealand including other several countries have opposed Indian nuclear supplier group membership, while India will have to fulfill conditions of stopping its nuclear fuel production and to hold negotiations with Pakistan and China over nuclear weapons matter.

According to details, an important summit to be held in Viana to review matter of giving nuclear supply group membership to India. Foreign news agency has claimed that despite full US support there are no chances for India to get membership, as Ireland and New Zealand including other countries strongly opposed India. Meanwhile, China is also at the forefront in support of Pakistan. According to news agency, Pakistan and India will have to face strong conditions for group membership. Pakistan and India still couldn’t sign nuclear proliferation agreement, which is the basic term for membership.

United States made several changes in the rules for Indian membership, which aimed to decrease Chinese influence in the region. According to experts, India may create problems for Pakistan in case it acquires Nuclear Supplier Group membership. Foreign News Agency claimed that membership of Pakistan and India might be averted, as China opposed the matter.