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Israel Launches New Air Strike on Syria

Hama (July 23, 2018): Israeli jets reportedly carried out a strike Sunday on a missile production facility in northwest Syria that observers say was supervised by Iranians.

According to International media, Israeli air crafts struck targets in Hama, Syria after flying through Lebanese air space which targeted the Center for Scientific Research in the area of Musayaf in Hama, however, there were no casualties reported as a result of the air raid.It was the fourth time this month that Syria has accused Israel of bombing a military position in the war-wracked country.

According to sources, a war monitor also reported the air strike and said it targeted a workshop supervised by Iranians where surface-to-surface missiles are made.

A government scientific research center is located in Musayaf and was hit by an Israeli air strike in September 2017 as well.

US claimed that sarin gas was being developed at that center, a charge denied by the higher authorities of country.

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