Abb Takk News

JI going to hold long sit-in on July 12 with demand to withdraw IMF conditions on budget: Hafiz Naeem

Islamabad: Jamat-e-Islami (JI) ameer Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman has said that his party is going to start staging a historic sit-in in Islamabad on July 12 under the campaign “Haq do Awam ko” (give rights to people).

Holding a presser in Islamabad, JI Chief Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman said that the sit-in will not be stage for a day or two it will run for long period.

Families, youth, industrialists, businessmen, lawyers, women will be contacted on large numbers to participate in the sit-in, Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman said.

The JI Ameer said that we have only demand to withdraw the International Monetary Fund conditions in the budget and burden put on the masses must be taken back.

He said that burden of taxes have increased on the masses and there are no one taking serious steps for the people of the country.

He said that we are in contact with the opposition parties but we will not become part of any alliance.

He said that people belonging to (Tehreek-e-Tahafuz Ayeen) have confusion and we will not make alliance with confused people.

He said that government were ashamed of declaring the budget made by the IMF in the past but now today our Prime Minister said with honour this budget comes from the IMF.

He demanded that to stop supplying electricity to elite of the country.

He said that if the government impose taxes on the lands of 1.5 percents of feudal lords then it achieve its target. He asked the government why doesn’t government impose taxes on more than 100 acres of land of feudal lords?

The government has given exemption of taxes to civil and military bureaucracy for buying our lands, he adds.

He questioned the PM and Finance Minister why didn’t they impose taxes on big feudal lords.

On one side the electricity bills have become bomb on the other the government is providing facilities and privileges to members of the National Assembly.

He said that the government is a creation of form 47 and it has not been elected but imposed on the country.