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Kashmir Issue Being Given Special Focus In Foreign Policy: Shibli Faraz

Islamabad: Information Minister Senator Shibli Faraz has said that Kashmir issue is being given special focus in the Foreign Policy of Pakistan to highlight and sensitize the importance of this dispute across the world.

Talking to media after inauguration of a photo exhibition on Kashmir Solidarity Day in Islamabad on Friday, he said the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is successfully highlighting and sensitizing the plight of Kashmiri at every international forum.

He said that there is no guarantee of peace in the region until resolution of Kashmir dispute according to aspirations of Kashmiris.

He said observation of Kashmir Solidarity Day within Pakistan and across the world is evident the government and people of the country are stand with Kashmiri brethren. He said Kashmiris are continuously recording their protest against Indian unilateral and illegal action taken on 5th August 2019 revoking special status of Kashmir and the demographic changes of the valley.

He said that India has changed the valley practically into open prison.

The Minister said that the Freedom Movement could not be stopped forcefully as Kashmiris are committed in their objective and right as the United Nations Security Council promised them to hold referendum.