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Key To Long Life Is Work: Says Mexican Conceivable World’s Oldest Man

Web Desk (May 18, 2018): A person who has crossed more than 12 decades of  life, takes care of his chickens on the family farm and believes work as key to long life.

According to birth certificate and official Mexican ID, Manuel Garcia Hernandez is 121 years old.

Garcia, who may just be the world´s oldest man, was born on 24 December 1896, according to his birth certificate from the Mexican state of Veracruz and his official identity card from the National Electoral Institute.He has never bothered calling the people at Guinness World Records to make it official.

But if his documents are correct, he is more than eight years older than Masazo Nonaka of Japan, the man who currently holds the title — born on 25 July 1905.

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