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Lahore: Four Dacoities Reported in Three Days

LAHORE: As many as four dacoities were reported in the last three days in the Kent division of Lahore.

According to details, a woman died and one other injured during the recent dacoities.

The first dacoity was reported on Saturday when gunmen on motorcycle looted about 41-carat gold and mobile phones from jewelry shop under Baghanpura police limits.

In the second incident, the dacoits looted millions of rupees from the shopkeeper three days ago. This dacoity had also occurred in the limits of Baghanpura police.

On Monday, eight dacoits broke into the house of a citizen named Safdar under limits of Manawan police and opened fire during the dacoity due to which a woman lost her life while security guard sustained injuries.

The fourth dacoity was also surfaced in the same area where three dacoits on motorcycle looted Rs150,000 from a petrol pump.

The cases of all dacoities have been registered while no suspect has been arrested yet.