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Lijian Declares CPEC as One Of Best Performing Projects of Belt and Road

Islamabad (June 20, 2017): Deputy Chief of Mission at Chinese Embassy in Pakistan Zhao Lijian says China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project is one of the best performing project of his country’s Belt and Road Initiative.

He was speaking at a conference on ‘Belt and Road Initiative and CPEC’ in Islamabad on Tuesday.

Lijian said the multi-billion dollar CPEC project, which is being jointly undertaken by Pakistan and China, prioritizes development of Gwadar, energy projects, transport infrastructure and industrial cooperation.

He said the second 660MW unit of Sahiwal Coal-fired Power Plant has completed its test run and is ready for inauguration.

The first unit of the Sahiwal plant was inaugurated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 24th of last month.

With the commission of second unit, the whole plant will produce an output of 1320 MW.

The Chinese diplomat said that Port Qasim Coal-fired Power plant is also expected to be completed this year, whereas three wind farms in Sindh are also nearing completion.

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