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Los Angeles devastating fire fully contained after three weeks.

LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles wildfire was brought under control after three weeks, with loss estimated reach up to 275 billion dollars.

According to United State media, during firefighting efforts, law enforcement had to deal with several arson incidents, and authorities have arrested at least 8 people on charges of arson. These individuals were accused of setting fire to trees, bushes, leaves, and garbage in the affected areas.

According to law enforcement, a woman was arrested on the evening of January 14th for allegedly setting fire to piles of garbage. The head of the Los Angeles Police Department stated that the woman admitted she enjoyed starting fires and spreading destruction.

Sources reported that on the same day, another individual was arrested for setting fire to trees. He told police that he liked the smell of burning leaves.

On January 12th, another suspect was arrested in North Hollywood on an old arson warrant. He was accused of starting a fire using a BBQ lighter.