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Malala Demands Youths’ Representation In Decision Making  

New York (September 25, 2018): Nobel laureate Malala Yousufzai tweeted on Tuesday that the youth will not accept a world where decisions of their future are made in rooms in which they cannot enter.

The noble laureate is attending the United Nations Youth2030 conference being held at the New York.

 Yousufzai congratulated the young leaders participating in the conference.

Earlier on September 08, Nobel Peace prize laureate Malala Yousafzai had met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, where she had expressed her views regarding education of girls.Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau shared a picture of the meeting on Twitter captioning it as ‘Great to catch up with Malala today in Ottawa. We talked about the important work of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council and our commitment to making sure more women & girls around the world get to go to school’.

 Malala also responded to the tweet with the well wishes and thanked Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau for his time, and commitment to education for every child.

 Nobel Peace prize laureate Malala Yousafzai belongs to Swat, who was shot at the age of 12 while returning from school. After that, she was taken to London for treatment, and since then she is residing there.

Gul Makai of Swat is currently studying at Oxford University. Simultaneously, she works for education and basic rights of girls Worldwide, and also launched Malala funds for that. Malala got the honorary citizenship of Canada in 2017.

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