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Meteor shower lights up Karachi with spectacular display

KARACHI: A breathtaking meteor shower illuminated the skies over Karachi in the late night, bringing a rare moment of awe and wonder to the city’s residents.

At approximately 2:30 AM local time, a meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, creating a stunning green glow as it streaked across the night sky.

Witnesses reported seeing the meteor explode in a brilliant flash, resulting in a remarkable display that captivated onlookers throughout various neighborhoods.

Astronomical experts are of the view that such event happens rock could be seen burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere, before crashing to the ground.

According to the Nasa, Shooting Star is a common term for a meteor, which is a small piece of space debris that burns up upon entering the Earth’s atmosphere, creating a streak of light in the sky.

This phenomenon occurs when the debris, often from comets or asteroids, travels at high speeds and heats up due to friction with the atmosphere, resulting in a bright flash.