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MQM arrested security incharge reveals thrilling information

The arrested security incharge of MQM headquarter Minhaj Qazi has told thrilling information saying 250 to 300 target killers had been residing around the nine zero including Raees Mumma, Junaid Bildog, Azam, Shehzad and Jabran.

Accused Qazi Minhaj admitted before JIT that in 2014 than MQM leader Anees Qauim Khani has become angry with Altaf Hussan over the oust of target killers from nine zero and he had left the party and went to Dubai while he also confessed that MQM leader Aamir Khan handed him responsibility of nine zero on Feb 20, 2015 and Haider Abbas Rizvi had also given him the onus of land grabbing affairs.

He also admitted that MQM leader Muhammad Anwar had ordered for land grabbing to party in Karachi and its adjoining areas but during the raid on nine zero the record in connection of land grabbing had been disposed off.