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Music video of Burqa clad Saudi women dancing, skateboard go viral

A new music video showing niqab-clad local women skating, playing basketball, singing and dancing is taking Saudi Arabia by storm.

The song and music clip titled “Hwages” (roughly translated as concerns in English) was uploaded on YouTube and has gained more nearly half a million views since then.


The video opens to a scene showing three women wearing the niqab entering a car while a young boy takes the front steering wheel, in a nod to Saudi Arabia’s band on women driving.

The son is an attempt at critiquing the stereotypical image of Saudi women, with scenes showing men jesting at them while standing near an airplane and driving a car.

But the women in “Hwages” can be seen playing basketball, bowling and even skateboarding at one point on the streets of Saudi Arabia.


“May all men be erased as they’ve given us mental illness,” is one verse roughly translated from Arabic sang by three women in the video produced by a Saudi production company.

It was inspired by a low-quality production video that went viral in 2014 using the same lyrics.