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Muslim Expresses Wish TO NZ PM To Become Muslim

CHRISTCHURCH: A man in New Zealand has expressed his hope that the country’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern one day converts to Islam.

The man video wishing the Kiwi Prime Minister to become Muslim gone viral on social media platforms.

During one of her visits to the Muslim community in Christchurch, a man, whose identity could not be ascertained, can be seen talking to Prime Minister Ardern.

He tells her how he wishes that the other world leaders learn from the leadership skills of [Prime Minister Ardern].

“I wish other leaders could (learn from) your leadership skills and implement them all over the world”, he can be heard saying.

He then says he his other wish is that she becomes a Muslim.

“And another wish of mine is a hope that one day I hear the news that you’ve entered [the circle of] Islam”, he says.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been visiting Islamic community centers and mosques since March 15 when 50 Muslim worshippers were martyred in an attack on two Christchurch mosques.

The perpetrator, Brenton Tarrant, whose name Prime Minister Ardern has vowed to never highlight so he never gets the fame he wanted, is currently under trial.