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Myanmar Leader Suu Kyi Defends Jailing of Journalists

Naypyidaw (September 14, 2018):Myanmar leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has defended the imprisonment of two journalists, that happened earlier this month.Aung San Suu Kyi defended the imprisonment of two journalists, that happened earlier this month. It’s first time the country’s State Counsellor, and de facto leader, has spoken publicly about the controversial case since the men were jailed.

Suu Kyi said during a recent interview at the World Economic Forum, that they were not jailed because they were journalists, but they were sentenced because the court has decided that they had broken the Official Secrets Act.Journalists Jailed for Investigating Rohingya KillingsThe two journalists of International news agency, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, were sentenced to seven years for possession of police documents while they were investigating the killing of Rohingya Muslims.

The government of Suu Kyi came under increasing diplomatic pressure over a security crackdown sparked by attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on security forces in Rakhine State in western Myanmar in August 2017.

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