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NAB Decides To Close Locomotive Inquiry Against Saad Rafique

Lahore: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has decided to close inquiry against Khwaja Saad Rafique regarding purchasing locomotives on an expensive rates.

The NAB Lahore chapter has decided to shelve the inquiry against former railway minister Khawaja Saad Rafique to buy expensive locomotives.

Sources said that on recommendation of investigation team to end the inquiry DG NAB Lahore has forwarded the report to Chairman NAB who will take final decision for closing the inquiry.

NAB sources said that ex-railway minister Khwaja Saad Rafique had allegations to buy 4000 to 4500 horse power on expensive rates.

The complainant against Rafique opined that the Pakistan Railway didn’t need more than 20 locomotives while Khawaja Saad Rafique approved more than required locomotives aimed at getting kick backs.

But it was revealed in the NAB inquiry that the contract to the company was awarded on a merit and fulfilling all the laws pertaining to it. So the NAB recommended to shelve the inquiry against Khawaja Saad Rafique.