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Schedule of Nation hero Arshad Nadeem return announced, preparations of welcome is on full swing

Lahore: Pride of the nation, winner of the world Arshad Nadeem schedule of his return to the country, after winning gold medal in the Paris Olympics, has been issued.

Hero of Pakistan Arshad Nadeem will reach Lahore airport via Istanbul on intervening night of Saturday and Sunday.

Chairman South Asian Athletics maj gen (retd) Muhammad Akram Sahi said that Arshad Nadeem has given a nation a major victory owing to which his welcome also be a historic.

Athletics Federation of Pakistan has Kicked off preparation for his exemplary reception.

The Coach of Arashad Nadeem, Slaman Butt will also reach Lahore along with him.

The Sports Board of Punjab is also busy in preparations welcome for the National Hero Arshad Nadeem.