Naval Day is being observed today to honour the heroes of 1965 War.
The day is observed to acknowledge the sacrifices and spirit of our Naval heroes who epitomized grit, courage and valour during the 1965 War.
The day reminds us of the heroic deeds and daring achievements of our Ghazis and Shuhada who fought gallantly and humbled a much bigger adversary with their absolute faith in Allah.
This day marks a golden chapter in our rich naval history and rekindles hope and pride in our new generation.
On the night of 7/8 September 1965, a Flotilla comprising seven ships of Pakistan Navy, bombarded Indian port Dwarka in operation code named ‘SOMNATH’.
PN Flotilla’s attack took the enemy by surprise and dealt a severe blow to the morale of the Indian Navy that not only rattled its defenses but paralyzed its response. Furthermore, PN Submarine GHAZI posed an ominous threat to the Indian Navy severely restricting its operations and confining it close to the coast.
In his message on the occasion, Naval Chief Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi reaffirmed resolve to defend motherland and protect maritime interests against all threats and challenges.
The Naval Chief said Pakistan Navy besides ensuring own maritime defence also maintains round the clock presence in the international waters and engages with regional navies to foster interoperability and promotes maritime security at high seas. Therefore, Pakistan Navy is acquiring state of the art capabilities to meet emerging security challenges and augmenting indigenous capabilities to transition into a strong, agile and reckonable force in the region.
In his message on the occasion, Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi underscored the significance of Navy Day, a pivotal milestone in our national history.
He said indomitable veterans of Pakistan Navy secured a resounding victory in safeguarding Pakistan’s maritime borders.
He hailed the officers and personnel of Pakistan Navy, recognizing them as a source of immense pride for the nation.