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Nawaz Sharif Shifted to Kot Lakhpat Jail From Hospital

LAHORE: The former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has been shifted back to Kot Lalkhpat prison from Jinnah Hospital Lahore on Monday.

According to details, former premier was shifted Jinnah hospital from jail after the recommendation of the six-member medical board on January 17.

The medical board in its recommendation said, “Nawaz Sharif is suffering from heart disease as his lower blood vessels, which flow blood to lower part of the heart, become narrow as the valves have also become harder.”

The medical board has also said in its report that Nawaz Sharif has not only been suffering from cardiovascular but also the found present of cretonne in his kidneys.

Earlier, two special medical boards of the Allama Iqbal Medical College/Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, and the PIC, Lahore, examined Mr Sharif, 69, in Kot Lakhpat jail last week.

The AIMC/Jinnah Hospital board had recommended that Mr Sharif should be shifted to the hospital for “optimal treatment”.

The board said: “Given uncontrolled BP, stage 3 CKD with estimated GFR of 50 ml/min, borderline raised troponin T level with a significant history of ischemic heart disease and suboptimal care, Nawaz Sharif will benefit from hospitalisation so that optimal management and cardiac assessment can be initiated,” it said.

The board said Mr Sharif with the past medical history of hypertension, T2 diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease and CABG, kidney stone disease complained about post nasal drip, bilateral arm, shoulder pain and some dyspnoea on exertion.

“On physical examination, he was found to have BP 200/110 mm Hg. Morning blood pressure medicines were not taken and BP decreased to 160/90 mm Hg after tablet concur and Dozar was given, heart rate 64 /min oxygen saturation of 98 per cent with clear chest, normal cardiac, abdominal examination and no pitting oedema on lower extremities.”