Islamabad: National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Monday approved a raise of Rs 5.94 per unit in electric prices under the fuel adjustment charges while an additional amount of Rs 50 billion will be received from the masses in the Month of March this year.
A hearing was held in Islamabad in the chair of Chairman NEPRA Tauseef H Faroqi for the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) request for monthly fuel adjustment charges.
The CPPA had requested an increase of Rs 6.10 paisa per unit while the company said that with the rise in prices of coal, furnace oil, LNG resulted into increase in electricity production cost.
On the other hand the NEPRA officials said that the shortage of LNG in the month of January led to increase production from furnace oil and coal which resulted into production cost of power generation.
After hearing, the NEPRA approved an increase of Rs 5. 94 per unit in the electricity charges under the fuel adjustment charges of month of January.