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NEPRA Increases Electricity Prices for K-Electric Consumers by PKR 3.03 per Unit

KARACHI: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has announced an increase in electricity prices for K-Electric consumers by PKR 3.03 per unit.

According to NEPRA, this increase is in line with the monthly fuel price adjustment for July 2024. NEPRA has also issued a notification regarding the price hike, stating that the additional charges will be reflected in the bills of K-Electric consumers for December 2024.

K-Electric had requested an increase of PKR 3.09 per unit in the monthly adjustment for July. Just yesterday, NEPRA had announced a reduction of PKR 0.86 per unit, which was detailed in a notification regarding the monthly fuel adjustment for August.

The price reduction will be reflected in consumers’ October bills, and for those who have already received their bills, the relief will be applied to the November bills. NEPRA clarified that the reduction in electricity prices will not apply to K-Electric consumers.