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Netanyahu cancels meeting with British PM

Angered by the United Nation Security Council resolution against Jewish settlements, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly cancelled  a meeting with his British counterpart, Prime Minister Theresa May, to be held at the sidelines of World Economic Forum taking place in Davos next month.

According to media reports, the Israeli Prime Minister was to meet British Prime Minister Theresa May during the World Economic Forum taking place at Davos from January 17 to 2o, 2017.

The Zionist administration has blamed US President Obama and secretary of state John Kerry for being behind the passage of resolution from the UN against Israel.

On the other hand the Israel Ambassador to US once again reiterated his allegations that US was being the passage of the resolution which is deplorable and shameful.

He said that Israel had solid evidence of the involvement of Obama administration, adding that it would provide the evidence to Trump administration.

He added that Israel would welcome if Trump wanted to made the evidence public.