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North Korea Nuclear Test Halt Move Welcomed By China

Web Desk(April 21, 2018): China’s foreign ministry said on Saturday it welcomed a move by North Korea to halt nuclear and missile tests, which it said would help ease tensions on the Korean peninsula and promote denuclearization.

“The Chinese side believes that North Korea’s decision will help ameliorate the situation on the peninsula,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on its website. “China welcomes this.”
North Korea’s state media said earlier on Saturday the country would immediately halt nuclear and missile tests and abolish a nuclear test site in a bid to pursue economic growth and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea is set for summits with South Korean President Moon Jae-in next week and with US President Donald Trump in late May or early June.Earlier on, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the regime no longer needs nuclear tests or intercontinental ballistic missile tests.

Kim said on Saturday that “under the proven condition of complete nuclear weapons, we no longer need any nuclear tests, mid-range and intercontinental ballistic rocket tests, and that the nuclear test site in northern area has also completed its mission.”

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A North Korea source said that Kim has finally decided to open up a new chapter for his nation. Kim has committed himself to the path of denuclearization and will now focus solely on economic growth and improving the national economy, the source said.


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