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Northamptonshire Police Show Solidarity With Muslims

London (June 15, 2018): In solidarity with Muslims, Northamptonshire police officers reportedly have kept an 18-hour fast in Ramadan to help boost relations with the Islamic community. According to reports, a large number of Northamptonshire non-Muslim police officers took part in 18-hour fast with Muslims and joined them at the evening iftar meal in observance of the holy month of Ramadan, in order to show unity and to gain a better understanding of the local community.

Kamilla Poole, one of the officers who fasted from sunrise to sunset, said that fasting for the day with no food and water was quite an experience and she realised that it requires a significant level of dedication and self-control to do it.Trustee of the Mosque, Mr Ayub Abdullah mentioned: ‘It was heartening to see people from the police taking part in the fast and joining us with their families for the evening meal, adding that the local officers were extremely helpful, taking an active interest in helping the Muslims and facilitating greater understanding between them.’

During the month of Ramazan , Muslims keep fast abstain from food, drink, and other certain activities during daylight hours.

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