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Notre-Dame Inferno: Investigation Begins Amid Rebuilding Pledge

PARIS: The Paris Prosecutor’s office began questioning the construction workers who were working on the site when the flames erupted.

Despite the questioning of the workers, an official cause of the blaze has still not been announced.

Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz said his office was “favouring the theory of an accident”, but had assigned 50 people to work on what he believed would be a “long” and “complex” investigation.

Other officials have suggested it could be linked to extensive renovation works taking place at the cathedral.

For centuries the building has been considered the heart of Catholic life in France, a site of pilgrimage for people around the world and home to many priceless religious relics.

Rebuilding Pledges 

ve been pledged to help rebuild Notre-Dame after a devastating fire partially destroyed the French cathedral.

French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to reconstruct the historic building even as the fire still burned, while two French business magnates had pledged about €300m ($339m; £259m) between them by early Tuesday.

Offers of help with the reconstruction have also poured in from around the globe, with European Council President Donald Tusk calling on EU member states to rally round.Those looking for hope amid the devastation of Notre Dame will be heartened by French President Emmanuel Macron’s assurance that the French will “rebuild together,” and immediate fundraising efforts leading to pledge of 50 million euros ($56 million) and 200 million euros ($226 million) from Paris’ City Hall and the luxury goods and fashion house LVMH, respectively.