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Occupied Kashmir: Complete shut-down strike continues on Hurriet leaders’ appeal

SRINAGAR: Situation remains tense in Occupied Kashmir for the 55th with curfew still remaining imposed in districts Batamalo, Pulwama, and certain areas of Srinagar. Educational institutions too remain close due to the prevailing tension.

Indian occupational forces shot and martyred yet another innocent Kashmiri youth yesterday.

A complete shut-down strike also continues in the Valley on the appeal of the Hurriet leaders who have extended the call till September 8.

Indian forces have rejected demand for stopping using pellet guns.

The occupational Indian forces also perpetrated horrific violence and firing on Kashmiri protestors yesterday.

The number of innocent Kashmiris martyred by occupational forces since July 8 has risen to 87.

According to Kashmir media service 10,000 Kashmiri youths arrested by occupational Indian forces during last many years are still missing. No one has any information about them or their whereabouts and their parents too have lost all hopes of their returning back to home ever.