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Occupied Kashmir: Occupational army intensifies patrolling, tension prevails still on 73rd day

SRINAGAR: Indian occupational army has intensified patrolling in the occupied valley after attack on the headquarter of Indian army in Uri yesterday while strike is underway on the appeal of All Parties Hurriet Conference.

Curfew remains imposed still in various districts of Occupied Kashmir which has been turned into a massive jail by Indian forces. There is severe shortage of food and medicines forcing thousands of innocent Kashmiris to go hungry and babies crying for milk.

Despite atrocities Indian army has failed to dent Kashmiris determination and valor and thousands of them continue staging potests in all districts of the Occupied Valley amidst checkposts everywhere.

Over 112 innocent Kashmiris have been martyred and over 12,000 have been injured by Indian forces since July 8. Hurriet leaders have extended the strike call till September 22.