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Occupied Kashmir: People continue braving hardships with fortitude on 81st straight day of curfew

SRINANAGAR: Innocent Kashmiris continue braving hardships with fortitude on the 81st straight day of curfew imposed by the occupational authorities. There is a complete shut-down strike in the Occupied Valley on the appeal of Hurriet leaders.

The occupational Indian forces resorted to firing, shelling, and baton charge to perpetrate inhumane violence on thousands of unarmed Kashmiris protestors over 100 protestors yesterday. Numerous protestors were also arrested.

The curfew has not been relaxed a bit during the 81 days of the curfew.

Heavy contingents of the occupational army continued with curfew and highhandedness closing the traffic and stopping children, women, elders, and the sick to purchase basic essentials and medicines.

Anti-India protest demonstrations continue in many districts of Occupied Kashmir including Srinagar.

Since July 8 Indian occupational forces have martyred over 125 innocent Kashmiris and also injured over 12,000 others.