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PM Abbasi Leaves For Turkey To Attend OIC Summit

Islamabad (May 18, 2018): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi left for Turkey on Friday to attend a special summit of OIC to discuss recent massacre of innocent Palestinians by Israeli forces.

On May 15, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildrim phoned Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and extended an invitation to him for participation in the extraordinary session of the OIC convened by Turkey on Friday (May 18), on the situation arising out from the massacre of innocent Palestinians at the hands of Israeli forces.

The Prime Minister condemned actions taken by occupying forces and reiterated Pakistan’s solidarity and support for the peaceful struggle of the people of Palestine for their homeland. Thanking Turkey for its timely initiative, the Prime Minister confirmed his participation in the extraordinary session of the OIC Summit being hosted by Turkey.

Yesterday,  Pakistan had expressed solidarity with Palestinians and deplored the failure of the UN Security Council to condemn the deadly violence by Israeli troops in Gaza against the Palestinians protesting the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem.

Speaking at an emergency meeting to discuss the worsening situation in Palestine, Maleeha Lodhi, said that the United States has again blocked the unanimous call of the 14 other members of the Council, to issue a press statement merely calling for an independent investigation into the incidents.The Pakistani envoy described a call by some countries for both sides to exercise “restraint” a “disingenuous attempt” to equate the occupying power with the Palestinians.She said the US action to shift its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is not only an egregious violation of international law and contravention of the UN Charter’s prohibition of the forcible acquisition of territory, they also gravely undermine any prospect of a two-state solution in the Middle East.

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