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Orlando: Firing spree death toll reaches 50, assailant identified

Death toll has reached to 50 in firing spree in night club of Orlando in Florida while as many as 53 persons also injured in the shooting on the other hand police said they identified the shooter.

The police said that the killer identified to be Umar Mateen and his parents are belonged to Afghanistan. Mayor of Orlando city talking to media said that 50 people have been died and 53 injured in the firing incident at the Night Club.

Police chief talking to media declared the incident as act of terrorism and also revealed that the assailant was equipped with bomb adding that the attacker was not belonged to Orlando.

The US president Barack Obama has been briefed about the bloody event and he has instructed that he must be updated regarding investigation of the incident.

It is pertinent to mention here that on yesterday a man barged into the Night Club in the Orlando  city and opened fire on the masses after making all of them hostage and later police arrived on the scene and shooter engaged the police till three hours and exchanged of fire continued in the hours.

Later police killed the assailant with controlled blast  after entering into the club.