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Over 85% of Kashmiris Reject Second Phase of Election in IOK

SRINAGAR: Over 85 percent of the voters in occupied Kashmir did not cast their vote in the so-called elections held for the Srinagar constituency of Indian Parliament and even a single vote was not cast in 90 polling booths.

The Acting Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Abdul Hameed Butt, in a statement, said Srinagar being the capital of occupied Kashmir has always stood with the resistance leaders and the people have once again displayed their unequivocal support for the Kashmir cause. “Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has been claiming that Kashmiri resistance is confined to two and a half districts of Kashmir only but yesterday’s boycott of elections by an overwhelming majority of Kashmiris is a befitting reply to him and should serve as an eye-opener for Indian policy-makers and for the international community as well,” he said.

He expressed the hope that “International community will come out of its slumber one day and pay attention towards the deteriorating situation in Kashmir and use its good offices to resolve the Kashmir dispute as per the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.”