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Pakistan has played important role for peace & stability in Kabul: State Dept

Spokesman of U.S. State Department John Kirby has said that Pakistan and Afghanistan are facing similar challenges and that Pakistan has played an important role in peace and stability in Kabul. We are trying to make the relations between the two countries even more better, he added during media briefing.

Pakistan and Afghanistan has joint borders, they face similar challenges and they have to face them together, he added.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and discussed national and other issues and also talked about Taliban, Daesh, and Al Qaeda, Kirby infored. America is helping Afghanistan to eliminate terrorism but we could not give time the time for elimination of terrorism.

Replying to a question John Kirbysaid that $ 400 million money given to Iran recently was conditional to release of American prisoners.