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Pakistan To File Rejoinder In Jhadav’s Case Today

Islamabad (July 17, 2018): Pakistan is filing the second counter rejoinder in International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case of Indian spy Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav today.

According to diplomatic sources, the reply will be submitted by Foreign Office Director India Dr Fareha Bugti.

Dr Bugti had also submitted Pakistan’s counter-pleading in December last year.

Sources said Pakistan’s response contains detailed replies to India’s submissions to the international court.sImage result for Kulbhushan JadhavSpokesman of the Foreign Office, Dr Faisal said earlier, Pakistan on December 13, last year had filed its counter-memorial before the ICJ, a world court in The Hague which is looking into the Indian complaint on the conviction of the Indian spy.

He said the hearing of the case would start after completion of submissions from Pakistan and India.
Image result for Kulbhushan JadhavAbout reports of five Indian citizens arrested for carrying Uranium, the spokesman said Pakistan was deeply concerned over the incident and termed it a “very serious” issue.

Kulbushan Yadav:

Commander Jadhav — an on-duty Indian navy officer working for Indian covert agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) — was arrested on March 3, 2016, from Balochistan, after he entered into Pakistan from Iran.

Jadhav was tried in a military court which sentenced him to death for espionage and subversive activities.

In a reaction to the move, Pakistan’s relations with neighbouring India tensed, and New Delhi approached the ICJ to hear the case.India had moved the ICJ to give it six months to file pleadings in the case, which the United Nations’ judicial organ had turned down in June this year.

On May 18, 2017, the ICJ ordered Pakistan to halt the execution of Jadhav until a final decision was made in the proceedings.

“Pakistan shall take all measures at its disposal to ensure that Jadhav is not executed pending the final decision in these proceedings,” ordered Judge Ronny Abraham, president of the court, as he announced the decision.

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