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Pakistani wrongly arrested over Berlin attack complains of police torture

BERLIN: A Pakistani who was wrongly arrested over a terror attack on a Christmas market in Berlin feared for his life and complaints of torture in police custody.

Naveed Baloch, 24, told a British news paper that he feared for his family’s safety after he was accused of terror attack in Berlin. German police also believe that Naveed could be in danger from Pakistani nationalists or German rightwing extremists.

Naveed told the news paper that how he was running across a road in central Berlin on December 19 to avoid a car when he realised it was a police vehicle. Naveed said that he was tied up, blindfolded and slapped by the police.

Naveed said that he was crossing a road in central Berlin on December 19, having just left a friend’s house. He was halfway over it when seeing a car heading towards him, he increased his speed. Naveed said that he then realised that it was a police car  He said that he was beckoned over by police who asked to see his ID.

They let him go but within seconds had called him back. Naveed said that he was undressed by the police and took photographs. He said that when he resisted they started slapping me.

Naveed said that after interrogation, he was kept in a hotel and directed not to leave hotel without police permission. He said that he could not go back to the camp. Naveed said that he is a asylum seeker and lived in a refugee camp.