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Pakistan’s Computer Experts Warn Parents For Blue Whale Game

Islamabad (September 14, 2017): Incidents related the Blue Whale game were reported in Peshawar, which are an eye opener for the authorities concerned that they cannot remain indifferent to the threat posed by this suicidal contest.

Computer experts urged the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the Cyber Crime Control Wing of Fedral Investigation Agency (FIA) had a great role to play to take precautionary steps countering such threats.

A PTA official, said there is no case pertaining to such online game had been reported so far.

Experts urged active participation from every segment of the society was required to counter such threats. Parents, however, should be more cautious about their children while using Internet.

Because of communication gap with parents, children using social media were more vulnerable to the games and apps that could be injurious to them.

The lethal game, which has taken lives of some 130 youngsters across the globe since its introduction by a Russian student in 2013,has recently made inroads in Pakistan, creating panic among parents.

Stories about the game have been circulating on social media for the last two months bewaring the people of its effects on the youth playing games on Internet.

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