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People of Kashmir have right to decide their future: Pervez Rasheed

Federal Minister for Information and Culture Pervez Rasheed has said that Kashmiris people have the right to decide about their future while Pakistan continued to support Kashmiris on political, diplomatic and moral grounds adding that aim of observing black day is to disseminate voice of Kashmiris people to the world.

At the occasion of black day for Kashmiris people, a walk has been arranged in Islamabad in supervision of Pakistan Muslim League-N.

Addressing to participants of the walk the minister said that people of Pakistan are observing black day on the call of Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif.

He said that Indian state terrorism in held Kashmir increased in recent days adding that Kashmiris have only fault that they raised their voice for their rights.

The minister said that fundamental rights of Kashmirs people have been recognized by United Nations and other international organizations.

PM special representative Asif Kirmani said that people of Kashmir are protesting against Indian atrocities. Dozens of Kashmiris are missing and injured adding that sacrifices rendered by Burhan Wani will not go in vain, Kirmani added.

It is obligation of United Nations (UN) and International community to stop Indian brutalities in Kashmir adding that ” we were with Kashmiris in Past and will remain with them in future”.

Minister for state CAD Tariq Fazal Chaudhry said that voices are raised from every street of Pakistan in support of Kashmiris adding that the government is spreading voices of Kashmiris to international community and to International media.

The CAD minister said that Pakistan will continue to fully support Kashmiris till independence of Kashmir.