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PM Khan Addresses Ulema Mashaikh Conference

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged religious scholars to play their due role for spreading mass awareness about cleanliness, righteousness and national unity to make Pakistan a great nation.

Addressing an Ulema and Mashaikh conference in Islamabad this evening, he said corruption is another important issue on which the Ulema should educate people to make this menace unacceptable in the society.

The Prime Minister said religious scholars have a pivotal role in building Pakistan as an Islamic welfare state as envisioned by the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The Prime Minister said ensuring all the basic rights to every citizen and rule of law were the two main principles of the State of Madina.

Referring to the growth in the Scandinavian countries, he said these countries acted upon the principles practiced in the State of Madina, but we lagged behind for not paying due attention to them.

Imran Khan said unfortunately Islam was linked to terrorism in the West. He said Islam has nothing to do with extremism or terrorism, but it is a religion of peace. He said he has emphatically spoken against Islamophobia at international forums, including the United Nations and the OIC, and will continue raising voice in this regard.