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PM Vows To Continue Fighting Against Corruption

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged intellectuals and scholars to provide best guidance to younger generations in coping with the modern challenges arising out of digital era.

Addressing a ceremony in Islamabad today [Thursday], he said we cannot ban social media and internet and the only way to protect our younger generations from the negative impact of digital inventions is to bind them with moral and ethical standards set by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho-Alaihe Wa Sallam Khatim-un-Nabiyeen.

He said Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority has been established with an objective to spread the message of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho-Alaihe Wa Sallam Khatim-un-Nabiyeen.

Imran Khan said greatest responsibility lies on the shoulders of film and TV producers to guide younger generations to the right direction through their productions.

He said one cannot sit in the Parliament in the UK over corruption allegations.