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President greets nation on eve of Pakistan Day   

ISLAMABAD: President Mamnoon Hussain has greeted the entire nation on the eve of Pakistan Day and said that each  year, the  day serves  to  remind  us  to  nurture  and  uphold  those  ideals, principles  and  lofty  goals  that  inspired  the  Muslims  of  the  subcontinent  to forge unity in their ranks and become one to realize their dream.

Mamnoon Hussain said in his message that on this day, seventy nine  years ago,  the  Muslims  of  the  subcontinent  through  their collective will expressed unshakeable resolve to carve out a separate homeland  for themselves wherein they could fashion their lives in accordance with their own tradition, mores, values and culture.

He said through their indefatigable struggle, unparalleled  commitment  and  with  the blessings  of  Allah  Almighty they achieved their objective within a short span of seven years. The president said let us pay tributes  to Quaid-i-Azam and other founding fathers who through their unwavering resolve,  iron  will and  unprecedented commitment to  their cause brought the Muslims of the subcontinent under a platform and created a separate homeland for them.

He said, “The Quaid and our forefathers had envisaged a democratic and pluralistic state where constitutionalism and rule of law would reign supreme and where minorities will enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Let  us  remind  ourselves  on  this  day  that  Pakistan  was  created  as  a  result  of democratic   struggle   and   its survival and   well   being   also   depends  on democracy. I am confident that the parliament, the people and all institutions will work in harmony to this end.”

Hussain said,” While commemorating this day with traditional zeal and zest, let us also pause and reflect on our achievements and challenges. The menace of extremism and terrorism had threatened to shake the very fabric of our society but it is very heartening  to  note  that, under  a  decision  of  the  Government  of  Pakistan, the law  enforcement  agencies  with complete  backing of  the  brave  people  of  the country  have  greatly  overcome  this scourge and  are committed to  completely uproot  it.  Let  us  resolve  to nurture values  of  tolerance,  harmony  and  respect for dissention our society for lasting peace in our country.”

He continued that Pakistan’s economy is on the rise and is poised to become a regional economic power.  The president said China-Pakistan  Economic  Corridor  (CPEC)  project,  a  manifestation  of deepening bilateral relations between Pakistan and China, has the potential to change  the  fate  of  the  region  in  terms  of socio-economic  development.

“The mega  project,  once  completed,  will  usher  in  prosperity  and  progress  not  only in Pakistan but also in the whole region.It  is  indeed  a  matter  of  satisfaction  that  the  nation  is  striving  to  address various  challenges  under  a  democratic  dispensation. I am  confident  that  our collective  efforts  marked  by  patriotism,  sincerity,  commitment  and  honesty would help us in steering this country towards greater prosperity and glory,” he added.

The president said that let us express our firm resolve to continue nourishing the legacy and heritage bequeathed  to  us  by  our  founding  fathers  and  by  following  in  their  footsteps make our country a cradle of peace, progress and stability.