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PTI Issues Final List of Senate Candidates

ISLAMABAD: The ruling PTI on Saturday issued the final list of its candidates for the upcoming Senate elections after final approval by Prime Minister Imran Khan.

According to details, the Parliamentary Board, which met here today with PM Imran Khan in the chair, finalised 20 names for Senate tickets.

Several big names, including Babar Awan, Shahzad Akbar, Amir Mughal and Sajjad Turi, who were recommended for tickets, could not make the final cut for the March 3 Senate polls.

From Balochistan, the name of Abdul Qadir (PTI-BAP joint candidate) was approved for a general seat, while de facto finance minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh and Fauzia Arshad were given tickets on the general and reserved seats respectively for Islamabad.

From Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Shibli Faraz, Mohsin Aziz, Zeeshan Khanzada, Faisal Saleem and Najiullah Khattak were given tickets on general seats, while Dost Muhammad Mehsud and Dr Humayun Mohmand were given a go ahead to be PTI’s candidates on Technocrat seats.

Meanwhile, on reserved seats for women, Dr Sania Nishtar (of Ehsaas programme fame) and Falak Naz Chitrali will be the ruling party’s candidates, while Gurdeep Singh would be PTI’s candidate on the reserved seat for minorities.

On general seats from Punjab, Saifullah Khan Nyazee (North Punjab), Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary (Central Punjab) and Aon Abbas Buppi (Southern Punjab) have been given PTI tickets.

Barrister Ali Zafar and Dr Zarqa are the ruling party’s candidates for the technocrat seat and reserved seat for women, respectively.

From Sindh, where the PTI is the second-largest party, Faisal Vawda has been awarded a ticket for a general seat while Saifullah Abrro would be the PTI’s candidate for a technocrat seat.