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Punjab govt decides to establishes PHA in every district.

LAHORE: The Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz calls for planting more trees in Punjab, Punjab government announced to established the Punjab Horticulture Authorities (PHA) in every district across Punjab

As per detail, The Punjab government announced on Sunday to establish the Parks and Horticulture Authorities (PHA) in every district across the Punjab.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz chaired a meeting in line with administrative matters. On this occasion, CM Maryam urged the authorities to focus more on the beautification of the cities across the province.

She emphasized the need for planting more trees and ensuring the functioning of the street lights across the province.

The Punjab chief minister had urged the need to ensure the cleanliness of every nook and cranny in both rural and urban areas.

“The masses should witness the major difference in terms of cleanliness and other matters,” she said.

The Rahim Yar Khan deputy commissioner had apprised CM Maryam of the artificial intelligence (AI) software for reviewing the implementation of the “KPI.”