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Qureshi Telephones Russian Counterpart To Apprise Grim Situation of IHK

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday telephoned his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to apprise him about a grave situation of occupied Kashmir.

According to foreign office spokesman, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi discussed a unilateral and illegal action of India in occupied Kashmir by ending the special status of the region.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Pakistan categorically opposed the Indian action to change the population, geography and structure of the occupied valley.

He said that Indian actions are a blatant violation of the UN security council resolution and international laws adding that the Indian move has put regional peace and security at stake.

Qureshi said that India has completely locked down the valley adding that Kashmiris are facing immense hardship due to the Indian oppressive move.

He said that the lives of people of Kashmir are in danger as the curfew has been continued for 10 days.

The FM said that India can do anything to mislead the world by diverting attention from Kashmir while he also informed his Russian counterpart about his letter written to President of Security Council demanding an immediate meeting of National Security meeting.

The Foreign Minister also shared concerns about the intensified repression by Indian security forces and the possibility of false flag operation, which would further endanger peace and security in the region.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov underlined the importance of resolution of all outstanding issues through dialogue and peaceful means.

The two leaders agreed to continue to work together for peace and stability in the region.