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Rehman Malik Takes Notice Of Chinese Men Involved In Human Trafficking

ISLAMABAD: Senate’s Committee on Interior Chairman Rehman Malik on Tuesday took notice of the Chinese men involved in the alleged human trafficking and sought a report from Ministry of Interior and FIA.

“There are reports of Chinese men involved in trafficking Pakistani girls to China and forcing them into prostitution,” said Malik.

He directed the interior ministry to submit a report within three days.

Eight Chinese nationals were busted by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Monday accused of trafficking Pakistani girls to China and forcing them into prostitution.

The arrests were made during a crackdown launched by FIA team headed by Deputy Director Jamil Ahmad in Lahore.

The suspects arrested on Monday include Wang Hao, Shoi Sheli, Wong Yhazou, Chang Shail Rai, Pan Khowajay, Wang Bao, Zaothi and Kaindisko.