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Rehmatul-lil-alameen Scholarship To Provide Financial Aid To Needy Students: Buzdar

Lahore: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that the scholarship associated to the name of our beloved prophet (PBUH) for poor and intelligent students is continued successfully in the province.

The aim of issuance of Rehmatul-lil-alameen scholarship is to provide financial aid to deprived students adding that the scholarship is providing opportunity of higher education to needy students while just and transparent distribution of the scholarship will be ensured.

The CM said that Intermidiate Rehmatul-lil-alameen will be awarded on the basis of matric results while the under-graduate sholarship will be given on the basis of intermediate results.

He apprised further that the students can apply for the scholarships sitting in home through PITB web portal while 50 percent scholarship will be awarded to needy students.