Abb Takk News

Religious leaders urge Karachi citizens to foil agenda of miscreants elements

Karachi: Karachi religious leadership has appealed the citizens of Karachi to foil an agenda of the miscreants elements in the city

Molana Aurangzeb Farooqi said that miscreants elements hatched a conspiracy to disturb the peace in the city.

Expressing trust on the Law Enforcement Agencies he said that LEAs will arrest saboteur soon.Whereas he urged their activists and workers to remain peaceful and foil the conspiracy of unrest of miscreants elements.

However , he urged LEAs to conduct impartial inquiry into the Lasbela incident.

Syed Nazar Abbass Naqvi strongly condemned the miscreants elements action on a religious rally while he said that we will foil sectarianism tried by cunning enemy in the city.

Molana Taj Hanfi said that he condemned miscreants element action in Golimar

Moreover, Molana Syed Shahansha Hussain Naqvi condemned sectarianism, extremism and unrest