Abb Takk News

Robbers Shot Dead Journalist In Resistance To Robbery In North Nazimabad

Karachi: Street crimes threefold in Karachi while the police have become silent spectator as robbers shot dead a journalist of a private news channel in North Nazimabad vicinity of the city

Governor Imran Ismael and Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah have taken a notice of the incident and called a report from Additional Inspector General AIG of Police immediately.

According to Superintendent of Police (SP) Gulberg Tahir Norani the incident occurred during a resistance in the robbery.

According to details looters on motorbike were trying robbing of when journalist Athar Mateen hit the robbers with his car. In retaliation, robbers shot dead the journalist and he died on the spot while dacoits run away with someone other motorcycle leaving their motorcycle on the spot.

The dead body of the journalist has been sent to a nearby hospital for conducting procedure while the police have got a shell of 30 bore from the crime scene.

The police are checking the record of the motorcycle left by the robbers on the crime scene.