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Russia Summons US Diplomat

Moscow (September 03, 2017): Russia handed a senior American diplomat in Moscow a strongly worded note of protest Saturday, the same day US officials had vowed to shutter three Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States amid escalating tensions.

The US deputy chief of mission in Moscow was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and given a note of protest “in connection with the intention of the US authorities to search the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Washington,” the ministry said in an online statement.

The Foreign Ministry note vehemently protested what it called an “Illegitimate search without the presence of Russian officials” and cited what it said is an unprecedented, aggressive “threat to break the front door.” The note also said that “US Special Services” could use this action to organize an anti-Russian provocation by planting “compromising objects.”

“The US authorities must stop the gross violations of international law and breaching the immunity of Russia’s diplomatic institutions. Otherwise, we reserve the right to reciprocate on mutual basis,” the note said.

The US State Department announced Thursday that it would close the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco as well as annexes in Washington and New York in response to forced staff cuts at the US mission in Russia.

In a separate Foreign Ministry statement Friday, Zakharova slammed the US move to shutter the Russian outposts as “yet another blatant violation of international law.”

She claimed Russian staff and their families who live at the consulate were ordered to leave the building for 12 hours Saturday while “US secret services” search it.

A State Department official on Friday said: “Russia will no longer be permitted to use these facilities for diplomatic, consular, or residential purposes. Public operations at the Consulate in San Francisco must cease by September 2.”

“The facilities will be closed, and entry or access to the properties will be granted only with permission of the Department of State. The State Department will secure and maintain the properties in keeping with our responsibilities. Relevant information on timing has been transmitted to Russian officials. We have nothing further to announce, at this time,” the official said.

In her statement, Zakharova said “unprecedented restrictive measures” by the United States would deny visa, notary and other consular services to ordinary Russian and US nationals on the US West Coast.

Russia reserves the right to take retaliatory action, Zakharova added, “as is customary in diplomatic affairs. This was not Russia’s choice. It was imposed on us.”

US Orders Russia to Close its San Francisco Consulate

US-Russia relations had worsen: Putin