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Russian Embassy Attacked in Damascus

Damascus (November 21, 2017): Russian embassy in Damascus came under mortar shelling from terrorists’ positions in the wee hours of Tuesday but fortunately no one was hurt in the attack.   

According to the details, the building’s wall, electricity lines and water supplies systems were damaged, said the Russian Foreign Ministry.“In a mortar shelling of Damascus conducted from terrorists’ positions at about 10:35 local time, a shell hit the outer fence of the Russian embassy to Syria, which is located close to its dwelling compound,” the ministry said, adding that the 122mm mine damaged the building’s wall, electricity lines and the water supplies system.

“No one from among the embassy’s employees was hurt,” the ministry said. “We hope that our so active on the Syrian trajectory Western colleagues in the UN Security Council will have the heart not to keep silent but to give proper public evaluation of the incident in which the lives of Russian diplomats were jeopardized,” the ministry said.

It stressed that the shelling of the Russian diplomatic mission will not influence Russia’s resolve to continue fight against terrorism. “We want to confirm once again that such provocations don’t influence Russia’s resolve to complete the destruction of a terrorist hotbed in the Syrian Arab Republic, to contribute to restoration of peace and security in Syria, strengthening of its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity,” the ministry went on.

The ministry reiterated that Moscow has repeatedly drawn attention of the global community to continuing shelling of the Syrian capital, pointing that the Russian Embassy is often targeted in such attacks. “We resolutely condemn this new attack by terrorists against the Russian diplomatic mission in Damascus,” the ministry stressed.

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